The first load of gravel went down in the crawl space before the rains came today. Another truck will have to come in to cover the crawl space deep enough. The gravel goes in for drainage under the home. We have water in the soil under all of our homes in Tennessee, it only becomes a problem when it can’t find a place to go. On top of the gravel there will be a vapor barrier. We’ll be doing a passive radon pipe and are probably going to be doing a crawl space encapsulation.

Water Proofing
On the exterior of the foundation the water proofing was put on the sides. It’s gooey black tar substance that will slow down water intrusions around the foundation. Ideally the soil will be graded well enough around the house that it will severely limit the water intrusions.

Green Plates
The green plates were delivered today as well. Green plates are pressure treated 2″x8″s that will go on top of the block wall and get bolted down. It’s called green because of the pressure treated process that makes it turn green. If all goes according to schedule we should have framing started toward the end of next week. That’s an exciting step since we’ll really start to see what this home will look like!